You have worked your way through the required courses to obtain your real estate license, and now you are preparing to take your licensing exam. This is an exciting time, the results of which determine the course of your future career.
It is understandable if you feel nervous, and that nervousness may push you to study harder. However, too much anxiety on test day can be counterproductive. You don’t want to freeze up and forget everything you have worked so hard to learn. Much of exam day anxiety comes from facing the unknown. Therefore, you can minimize your stress with careful preparation and a positive attitude on the day of the test.
The night before
Part of your preparation for the exam should be finding out the specific rules for your test location. This includes learning whether the testing center provides calculators, what kind of identification you need, and where you should park. The answers to these few questions may drastically reduce your stress.
Studying late into the night can be counterproductive. It is better to go to bed at a reasonable hour and get a good night’s sleep. Set your alarm so you can take your time in the morning and not heighten your adrenaline by rushing. Have a normal breakfast and arrive for the test at least 30 minutes early. Take only what you need into the testing center; leave your phone, purse and other items locked in your vehicle.
Taking the exam
When the exam is in front of you, take several deep breaths before beginning. Then pace yourself, moving slowly through each question and reading every word. Nervous test-takers make many mistakes by rushing and misreading the questions. The test is designed to see how well you understand the nuances of real estate, so watch for tricky words, like “usually” or “except.”
You should have the option to flag and skip questions, so take advantage of this if you get stuck. However, answer all the questions, and be sure to leave enough time to review your answers, especially those with tricky wording or any you may have flagged. When you finish, your score will appear on the screen, and you can celebrate or make plans to try again.
You’ve got this!
Have confidence in the education you have acquired. While you will likely have to study and review much of the information you will be tested on, you might be surprised how much you have retained. Above all, keep your goals in mind and know your hard work is worth the effort.