You may have procrastinated for quite some time when you first started thinking about finding a new career. Perhaps you were not 100% sure what you wanted to do, other than knowing that you didn’t want to keep doing whatever you were doing at the time. At some point, becoming a licensed real estate agent may have popped into your mind.
If you’re now nearing completion of your studies and preparing for your real estate exam, you’re well on your way to achieving your goal. It would be unfortunate for you to come this far only to bomb your test due to lack of adequate preparation. There are several things to keep in mind that will help you be as ready as you can be when Test Day arrives.
Create a study plan for your real estate exam and stick to it
Unless you have a photographic memory, you’re unlikely to remember every single thing you learned in real estate classes. You may have mastered certain concepts easily and struggled to understand others. It’s okay, as long as you engage in comprehensive study that provides an overall review of concepts that will be covered on your final exam.
Using a well-designed study guide can be helpful when preparing for the big day. Whether you purchase one or design it yourself, make sure you schedule time to study in an organized, structured manner. What you’ll want to avoid is studying in a rogue or random type of way, which might be somewhat helpful but is unlikely to help you earn your best score possible.
Don’t neglect vocabulary or math lessons
As you get ready for your final real estate exam, remember that there will be math concepts on the test, as well as terminology that is common in the real estate industry. You’ll want to practice your real estate math skills, such as how to calculate square footage or acreage, as well as make sure you understand vocabulary words, such as amortization, contingency or capital gains.
Take practice tests ahead of time
Another helpful study tool to increase your chances of doing well on your final real estate exam is to take practice tests. You can also ask friends and family or fellow real estate students to quiz you by using flashcards or asking questions. There are also real estate practice tests available for purchase.
Avoid burnout with the Pomodoro study technique
There may have been a time in your life when you considered it normal to stay up all night to study for a final exam. This type of ‘crash’ studying often leads to headaches and grogginess on test day. Instead, you might consider using the Pomodoro method of study, which is sort of like HIIT exercises in physical fitness. The idea is to focus on a specific area of study in an intense way for approximately 25 minutes, then rest your mind and your body.
You can do several ‘sets’ of studying in this manner: 25 minutes on, 5 minutes to rest. If you complete four 25-minute study sessions, then it’s best to extend your rest to 30 or 40 minutes after each fourth session.
Invite other students over for group study
Private study is helpful when preparing for your final real estate exam, and it’s also helpful to study in a group. Fellow students can provide strong support to each other. For instance, if your strength lies in a particular area where another student is struggling, it may help him or her if you study together.
Group study provides a sense of community, as you and your fellow students work toward a similar goal. Practicing good study habits like those mentioned in this post may not only help you “ace” your real estate exam, it sets a positive tone and lays the groundwork for a successful future in the industry.