When someone is looking to buy or sell property, they are usually about to embark on an emotional endeavor as well as taking an enormous financial step. A real estate transaction can be one of the most, if not the most, significant financial ventures consumers may undertake in a lifetime, so it is understandable that they will want to deal with a real estate agent they trust.
If you are a real estate agent or working your way toward obtaining your license, you certainly want to have a reputation for trustworthiness and integrity. However, this is often a quality you must convey well before clients hire you to handle their transactions. Your clients may not have the time to get to know you to learn how honest and reliable you are, especially if they begin their relationship with you online. You will want to know the most effective ways to demonstrate these important qualities.
Your reputation precedes you
When real estate clients answer surveys about their experiences with agents, the most positive comments involve agents who are competent, transparent and honest. Technology allows buyers and sellers to shop around online for an agent with whom they feel comfortable. Therefore, it is wise for you to earn your clients’ approval by taking the following steps:
- Never stop increasing your knowledge of your region and your skills as an agent.
- Know your clients’ experience in the real estate world and meet them at their level.
- Fulfill every promise you make to your clients and don’t make promises you cannot keep.
- Listen carefully to your clients and be certain you understand their goals and concerns.
- Stay in contact with your clients; don’t make them have to chase you down to get answers or updates.
- Use your social media to highlight your clients, not yourself, including posting informative and entertaining posts.
Your online presence will be quite valuable to your success. Research shows that nearly a third of prospective real estate clients use online reviews before choosing an agent. Others use agent websites and past sales histories to evaluate whether an agent will be a good fit. Ideally, you can impress your clients with your integrity, transparency and knowledge so that they will leave convincing, positive reviews. These reviews may be the first good impression you can make on future clients.