
Working in real estate can be very satisfying. You have the potential for a lucrative career, you have options for doing something new every day and you are providing a necessary service to people at a major turning point in their lives. Nevertheless, as with any job, real estate has its stressors. In fact, the job of a real estate agent often ranks among the most stressful careers to have.
It is no mystery why. You have the pressure of handling some of the largest investments your clients will make and dealing with the laws and deadlines of financial institutions. You work long hours, engage with demanding clients and balance precarious finances while you strive toward the next closing or try to land a new client. Being a real estate agent is a tough job, but if you love it, you will want to learn how to manage those stressful moments.
Taking stress by the horns
Allowing disappointments, deals falling through or difficult clients to overwhelm you, or stressing out over every challenging step of a real estate transaction can quickly burn you out. When you neglect to weigh and balance the stress of your job, even the little things may begin to break you down. This is why it is important that, even in your busy schedule, you take time to do the following:
- Rest, including getting enough sleep each night, taking a day off during the week and carving out time regularly to devote to your family and friends.
- Eat well, which means planning ahead so your busy days do not include fast food, sugary pick-me-ups or skipping meals.
- Exercise, whether you find relaxation in a calm stretching session or a vigorous cardio workout.
- Don’t skip important checkups with your doctor, dentist and optometrist.
- Release your stress by sharing your frustrations with trusted friends, your partner or a veteran real estate agent who can offer encouragement and advice.
- Keep problems in perspective, such as resisting the impulse to allow small frustrations to build into major anxiety.
- Remember that most of the time, stressing out is counterproductive and easily overcome with calm, rational problem solving.
Your physical health and mental well-being can quickly suffer if you allow the stress of your job to get to you. Self-care is critical, so if you feel that even these steps do not relieve your anxiety, you may wish to reach out to a counselor who can provide professional advice for keeping your life and your real estate career in balance.